Be Part Of The Global Bible Revival of the Word!


Join 100,000+ people across the globe reading the Bible cover-to-cover in a year.

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What does reading the bible in a year look like?

1. Know The Whole Story Imagine the Bible is like a big adventure book with lots of stories. When you read it all, you get the complete story of what happened from the very beginning to the very end. It's like seeing the whole picture instead of just parts of it.

2. Learn Life LessonsThe Bible has many wise and helpful lessons, kind of like how your favorite stories might teach you about being brave or being kind to others. Reading the whole Bible lets you learn more of these important lessons that can guide you in your life.

3. Be A Better PersonJust like how you learn and grow as you read more books, the Bible can help you become a better person. It can inspire you to be a better friend, to be helpful, and to make good choices. It's like having a special friend who gives you great advice.

Here's What's Included in Your

FREE 52 Week Bible Challenge!

Download The App

This is the BEST WAY to stay plugged in, watch the daily readings, connect with others, and so much more!

Weekly Emails

We send out emails each week with the Reading Plan for the week.

Weekly Texts

 We send out texts (North America Only) reminders each week with the Reading Plan and Bible Verse of the week!

Facebook Group

Gain access to our Private Facebook Group and connect with fellow believers from around the globe.

"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Joshua 1:8

Did You Know when you engage in the Bible 4 or more times a week you are:


more likely to share faith with others


more likely to memorize scripture


less likely to view pornography


less likely to struggle with loneliness

Our Mission

Our mission is to get 1,000,000 people to read

the Bible cover-to-cover in a year. 

(The same way we read every other book out there.)

      We started this mission in July of 2020. To our great surprise, we had over 6700 women from around the globe register that first year to read the Bible with us and Fear Into Faith Ministries was born.

We start in Genesis every September, but regardless of when you start, you can be part of our movement! We want YOU to be one of the 100,000 people from around the globe to participate! 

Our Vision

We believe that it is time for a Revival of His Word!

We live in a crazy, fallen, broken world.

We stop the noise by seeking the Lord. 

When people read His Word for themselves and develop a personal relationship with God we believe their life will be radically transformed.

When one million people come together to read the Bible in a year we will see marriages restored, families healed, and Nations transformed!

"And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
~Esther 4:14

Spend Time With God!

When you spend 10-20 minutes in the word on a regular basis your faith will grow!

Hit Your Goal

You've always wanted to read the entire Bible, NOW IS THE TIME!

Join The Community

Don't do it alone! Join THOUSANDS of others from around the world and have the accountability you need to finish!

Spend Time With God!

When you spend 10-20 minutes in the word on a regular basis your faith will grow!

Hit Your Goal

You've always wanted to read the entire Bible, NOW IS THE TIME!

Join The Community

Don't do it alone! Join THOUSANDS of others from around the world and have the accountability you need to finish!


Here's What You Get In TheFear Into Faith 52 Week Bible Study

Access to the Fear Into Faith App


Our private app has been designed with you, the reader, in mind! We've made sure to get you as many tools as possible to get you across the finish line!

Weekly Emails

$997 Value

We send out emails each week with the Reading Plan for the week.

Weekly Online Community Fellowship


We love to give... Stay tuned throughout the year where we'll offer tons of bonuses, giveaways, and first chance offers to all members participating in the FREE 52 Week Bible Challenge! 

Here's What You Get In TheFear Into Faith 52 Week Bible Study

Access to the Fear Into Faith App


Our private app has been designed with you, the reader, in mind! We've made sure to get you as many tools as possible to get you across the finish line!

Weekly Emails

$997 Value

We send out emails each week with the Reading Plan for the week.

Bible Insider Benefits


We love to give... Stay tuned throughout the year where we'll offer tons of bonuses, giveaways, and first chance offers to all members participating in the FREE 52 Week Bible Challenge! 

Save The Date!

September 11 - 13, 2025

Join us at our Fear Into Faith Live Event where you can join people from all over the world for this incredible Life Changing 3-Day event where we will also finish reading the last couple paragraphs of Revelation out loud together. 
Can you even imagine how powerful that will be?!

Join the FREE

52 week bible challenge

Between the TV Show, Social Media, Emails, and Texts - we'll get you in the word. If you're in USA, CANADA, or Mexico, you can submit your number below, and we'll text you on Sundays with the Weekly Reading Plan and Verse Of The Week!

Sign Up Now

* standard message rates apply from your carrier

*Please note: email addresses are immediately processed once entered.

52-Week Bible Challenge FAQs

What is the time commitment?

We read 6 days a week, Monday-Saturday and consider Sunday a rest day. However, many use Sunday as a day to catch up on any readings they missed that week. Most days take between 10-20 minutes to read.

Who can participate?

Anyone who has a desire to read the Bible cover to cover in a year.

Which version of the Bible do I need to read?

You can read whichever version of the Bible you would like. We have created this Bible Challenge to work for multiple versions of the Bible.

Can my church do this together as a congregation?

Absolutely! We offer large discounts to churches that would like to purchase our Bible Study Journals in bulk. Please email us at [email protected] to get discount pricing info.

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